Für solche abzählbaren (ordinalen) Typen wie Integer und Char gibt es in Delphi eine Abkürzung:Zugegeben, das Beispiel ist nicht besonders sinnvoll, da die Variable eingabe direkt in einen String umgewandelt werden könnte. Re: case STRING of ? Bedingungabfrage mit "case" Die Case-Anweisung funktioniert im Prinzip gleich wie eine if-Anweisung, nur mit dem Unterschied, dass bestimmte "Fälle" abgearbeitet werden. Witnesses described passing him on the trail and feeling a bad vibe. That’s where the real discussion is.We’ve recently been told by investigators that the first suspect sketch is not the killer of Abby and Libby. It’s unclear who determined the first suspect’s age.Investigators believe that the suspect may be connected to a vehicle that was abandoned at the CPS/DCS/Welfare building. ".On April 22, law enforcement reached out to the public urging all to look at the sketch, listen to the audio, watch how the man walks on the bridge and send tips to this email: Abbyandlibbytip@cacoshrf.com.Investigators revealed they have reason to believe that the suspect might well be hiding in plain sight, and that the person is almost certainly familiar with the area of Delphi, whether it be from living or working there or for another reason.On July 23, 2019, after receiving a tip, authorities announced that Paul Etter was being considered a person of interest in the murders.

Does that twist now make more sense with a new suspect?Mike Patty stated in the early morning hours of February 14th that Libby’s phone ‘pinged all over town’. Again, we can see the video.

1: ShowMessage('one'); We do not know what that twist is. (The man’s witness account can be found on the Truthtellers photo page).Investigators said in the beginning that there was “a twist”. 非常遗憾 Delphi 的 case 语句不支持字符串, 但我觉得这也可能是基于效率的考量;如果非要在 case 中使用字符串, 也不是不可以变通, 这里提供了五种方法. We are allowed to have strings, but either their length must be specified (for example a : String[20]), or a pointer to the string is stored in the record. 3: ShowMessage('three'); A simple numerical case statement A D V E R T I S E M E N T It just doesn’t add up that there was a suspicious guy with a bad vibe on the trail that day AND a killer! Handelt es sich dabei um mehr als einen Befehl, muss der Block mit begin und end umgeben werden.Hier sieht man besonders den Sinn von else. Academic Tutorials For Delphi. If the expression evaluates to True then the statement following the then keyword is executed..

Wenn auf verschiedene Werte einer Variablen verschieden reagiert werden soll, kann man mit Object-Pascal bequemer als durch mehrfaches IF-Abfragen einfach die CASE-Anweisung nutzen. The man was described as a ‘hobo’ and dirty. If so, his daughter was friends with the Flora girls and he was a searcher. It reminds me of one of those trucks that tows semis. We can do our part by sharing the newly released information and report anything we can recall from the time period surrounding that fateful day to the tip-line.The FBI is also looking for anyone who may have changed their regular behavior after Feb. 13th. The police surely know who owns that. If you don’t know the ins and outs then there are many pages on this blog to catch you up and I recommend not only reading the blog posts, but more importantly, read all of the comments. I’ve always thought the twist was Libby’s phone pinging all around town and then later being found near the bodies. What are the odds?Why isn’t there a hat in the newly released sketch? This makes records almost self documenting, and certainly easy to understand.Above, we have created one customer, and set up the customer record fields.When we are dealing with large records, we can avoid the need to type the record variable name. As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appears to capture a Caucasian male, hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls. ... Delphi 8 Professional #2. If the expression evaluates to False, then the statement following the else keyword is executed, if it is present.. The guy we’ve discussed for years is not the guy they are looking for. The ‘hobo’ asked him for money. else He stated that the guy had reddish brown hair with a little grey in the goatee. First, we may wish to store data in the record in different ways.

The ‘hobo’ retorted back “the shit you don’t” and then became confrontational to the point the guy had to push him back. The suspect is wearing a hat and appears to have facial hair. This Grandmother Deserves to Come Home.Too Close to Home – When the Crime Blogger Becomes the Victim,Abigail Williams & Liberty German: Murdered 2/13/2017 – Delphi Homicide Comment Page August 2019,Sheryl Powell – Vanished in Seven Minutes – Inyo County, CA – July 12, 2019,Delphi Homicides – New Sketch & a Vehicle of Interest Leads to New Theories,Started abusing drugs or alcohol when they wouldn’t have beforehand,Has followed this case and what the media is releasing with a sense that is “not normal”,Has been having ongoing conversations about where they were on Feb. 13. "Abby" Williams and 14-year-old Liberty Rose Lynn "Libby" German were dropped off by German's older sister, Kelsi German, at a trail-head on County Road 300 North, west of the.Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant.On April 19, 2019, Indiana State Police announced a "new direction" in the case.An updated sketch of the suspect was also unveiled, as well as an extended version of the audio recording, in which a slight rise in the suspect's voice can be detected as he utters the word "Guys...", before the phrase "Down the hill. Version 2. // message is displayed. Es gibt kaum ein Programm, bei dem immer alle Befehle hintereinander ausgeführt werden. Wasn’t he also on the search for the Delphi girls the next day? The expression between the if and then keywords must have a Boolean result type. -- “It’s not going to be a cold case, it’s not.” Although a year has passed since the murders of Delphi teens Liberty German and Abigail Williams, Indiana State Police Superintendent Doug Carter says he will not let the case go cold before their killer is found. That the phone’s battery either died or was powered off just hours before his interview. He gave an account of a man he saw on the trail three weeks prior. Additionally, we may also have a lot of them, and might store them in an array. begin 2: ShowMessage('two'); Board index » delphi » Case of.