This is why we ask for the age of young passengers.Sometimes children below a certain age can travel without a seat for free. Fast trains from Marseille to Barcelona take around 4 hours and 32 minutes, covering a distance of approximately 342 kilometres.There are frequent services on the rail route between Marseille and Barcelona. Pour toutes vos bagages, n'hésitez pas à utiliser les porte-bagages dédiés à différents points des wagons. For example, the 7-day price in summer is likely to be more expensive than the same journey in winter.Prices are sourced in GBP and converted to other currencies using the daily market exchange rate.We're always seeking to improve how price-checking works, and we welcome feedback on how we can make it better.More advice about how to find the cheapest tickets can be found in our,Youth passengers may not be older than 25.Add a via station to plan more complex journeys and/or to split your journey into separate tickets.Fast trains from Marseille to Barcelona take around.Direct trains from Marseille to Barcelona have been found.Trains are typically more frequent on weekends, when we found around,The Marseille to Barcelona train travel time is normally about,The earlier you book the better, and the cheapest tickets we've found for trains from Marseille to Barcelona are,Trains departing 30 days in advance will cost around,Trains for this journey usually open for booking around.More than one train company operates on the route from Marseille to Barcelona, so you’ll be travelling with one or more of the following rail operators:You can check which train you’ll be travelling on by looking for the train name in search results.Buy train and bus tickets for UK and Europe - the easy way,Booking fees put on hold at Rail Europe until end of year.European travel from England, Scotland and Wales has been given the green light.

Infos horaires train Barcelone-Marseille Nombre de trajets par jour. And if you’re concerned about your carbon footprint, the train is certainly a more considerate way to travel.Serviced by high-speed Renfe-SNCF trains, you can even upgrade your journey to First Class. In doing so, you benefit from leather reclining seats, extra legroom and power socket access. Proposant une unique liaison quotidienne, vous embarquerez à son … Travel to Marseille from Barcelona by train and arrive directly in the city centre.

This is why we ask for the age of young passengers.Sometimes children below a certain age can travel without a seat for free. Pour voyager de Marseille à Barcelone en train, veuillez lire les informations suivantes. The fastest journey time by train from Barcelona to Marseille is 6 hours and 19 minutes. Celles-ci sont actualisées toutes les deux semaines, selon les prix obtenus en recherchant avec exactement 7 jours ou 30 jours d'avance à compter du jeudi le plus récent (nous avons choisi le jeudi car c'est le jour où se trouvent généralement les prix moyens).Les prix à 30 jours et à 7 jours varient en fonction de la demande et de la disponibilité au moment de la recherche. Discount cards and coach journey excluded. All rights reserved. Envie d'aller en train de Marseille à Barcelone en environ 4h30 ? Créé par le même architecte que la basilique, ce parc est autant une oeuvre d'art qu'une belle promenade au coeur de Barcelone. It’s easier than you may think. Trouver un billet de train Marseille Barcelone pas cher. Please ensure JavaScript is enabled.By continuing to browse this website, you agree to the use of cookies from Rail Europe and third parties to provide you with products and services suited to your interests. "14 days in advance" includes days 13 and 15.The information provided is calculated based on scheduled train services for Barcelona to Marseille for a typical week day using timetable data for 22/09/2020. When in Spain, make the most of your visit and take a journey over the border to France by train.