We rode the total of 199.5 kilometers in this tour. So we have still about 600 more kilometers to cover on ViaRhôna.It is about the time to buy new shoes, I think. This stage goes along greenways, except through Valence.on Tournon-sur-Rhône / Glun / Valence / La Voulte-sur-Rhône,Valrhona, the renowned Rhône chocolate company,line 5 : Lyon > Vienne > Tain l’Hermitage > Valence > Marseille,Line 2 : Genève / Annecy > Grenoble > Valence,Line Paris > Lyon Valence TGV > Avignon > Aix-en-Provence. We rode the total of 199.5 kilometers in this tour. We had Salade Estivale and salmon tartar with fries before visiting the museum. Continuing south along ViaRhôna, cross the Printegarde Nature Reserve to reach Le Pouzin after another short trip across the Rhône into the Drôme.on Valence / La Voulte-sur-Rhône / Le Pouzin,Line 2 : Geneva / Annecy > Grenoble > Valence,Line TGV Paris > Lyon Valence TGV > Avignon > Aix-en-Provence,line 5 : Lyon > Vienne > Valence > Livron > Marseille,line 5 : Lyon > Vienne > Valence > Loriol > Marseille. ... Ligne 2 : Genève / Annecy > Grenoble > Valence; ... J'ai eu l'occasion d'emprunter les 2 itinéraires, Via Rhona "classique" par Valence ou la rive ardéchoise par la Voie Bleue. You then alternate between stretches of greenway and shared roads with very light traffic to head on via Soyons, Charmes-sur-Rhône and Beauchastel to La Voulte-sur-Rhône. In Valence we took the first train to Grenoble which left in ten minutes and reached the destination an hour and fifteen minutes later. Leaving the Tournon area, known as the Pays du Tournonais, via Tournon-sur-Rhône’s southern river embankment, the ViaRhôna route heads south to Glun. V62 V63 Vallée de l'Isère Annecy Grenoble Valence Il fait beau ce mois de mars et une réunion m'amène à passer une journée à Annecy. And yes, it had a very nice restaurant! The Ardèche is known for its exceptional caves, archaeological sites, characterful villages, châteaux and nature reserves. One piece had taken 15 months to put together. Difficile, aujourd’hui, de comprendre le tracé de la ViaRhôna à Valence. From Tain to La Roche-de-Glun’s bridge, the linking route is marked ‘Vers ViaRhôna’ and is on well-surfaced greenways.This easy ViaRhôna stage offers a gentle introduction to the South of France. J'ai eu l'occasion d'emprunter les 2 itinéraires, Via Rhona "classique" par Valence ou la rive ardéchoise par la Voie Bleue. All we could think about then was the shower, supermarket, dinner, and sleep.Next morning we were up early and feeling fresh. Leaving the Tournon area, known as the Pays du Tournonais, via Tournon-sur-Rhône’s southern river embankment, the ViaRhôna route heads south to Glun. Un moyen de déplacement respectueux de l’environnement : LE VÉLO. You then alternate between stretches of greenway and shared roads with very light traffic to head on via Soyons, Charmes-sur … From La Voulte-sur-Rhône, you can discover rugged central Ardèche by taking the Dolce Via route up the Eyrieux Valley. Un itinéraire sécurisé, la Via Rhôna, vélo route Européenne reliant Genève à la Méditerranée. L’arrivée sur Valence avec ses marchés colorés, ses jardins, la vitalité de ses quartiers et ses rues piétonnes accueillantes, annonce la Provence. so we had a lot of time to explore this ancient Roman town before it. Another thing we could not foresee was that we were entering another canicule. There’s much to enchant: pretty villages in typical southern style; a surprising branch of the Rhône encircling La Roche-de-Glun; and biodiversity. This is a quick post about our weekend trip to Vienne (Isère) to Joan Baez’s farewell tour concert “Fare Thee Well”. This has happened to many sport shoes I have bought in either Bloomington or Singapore and then brought to drier climate: my Irish hard shoes, hiking boots, sandals, and now MTB shoes. Aucune hésitation, la rive ardéchoise est … Après une halte au port de l'Epervière à Valence, ViaRhôna reprend sa route en Ardèche. Entre grottes et site archéologique, village de caractère, château, réserve naturelle, espace naturel sensible pour pénétrer une Ardèche plus au cœur depuis la Dolce Via au départ de La Voulte-sur-Rhône. after 100.6km and seven hours of riding (D+ 926m, D- 982). J'en profite pour retrouver une cousine et le lendemain matin c'est l'occasion de rentrer à vélo jusqu'à Grenoble et de découvrir un parcours intéressant. The concert (the warming act) only started at 8pm. Ha ha.And it was, kind of. Au départ de Grenoble à la Porte de France, s’engager sur la piste cyclable rive droite jusqu’à Saint-Quentin-sur-Isère. South past the port of L’Epervière, cross the Rhône via the Pont des Lônes bridge. Leave Valence on a well-laid-out, well-signposted greenway. The audience profile was quite “mature” or at least middle-aged, but we were happy to see some younger families who had brought their kids with them.Next morning after the concert we woke up early and hit the.In Valence we took the first train to Grenoble which left in ten minutes and reached the destination an hour and fifteen minutes later. Bummer! Take care crossing Valence, where you join roads shared with motorized traffic.An alternative down the Rhône’s east bank through the Drôme département (county). Nothing really was open in the town, but a couple of kebab and pizza restaurants, so we took a risk and walked directly to the Museum and Archaeological site of Saint-Roman-en-Gal hoping the museum would have a cafe. The museum exhibition was rather impressive collection of miniature models of Vienne in Roman era, but mostly wall paintings and reconstructed mosaic works found in the area. I wonder who had labeled all the tiny mosaic pieces … It was too hot outside to visit the archaeological site so we skipped it.We were quite exhausted from the hot day and a lot of walking (13km!