très bon site pour acheter des places de spectacles, concert et également des places de football lorsque ceux ci sont complet sur les sites de réservations habituaux. We are confident that there has been no breach of Google's policies and look forward to working with them to resolve this as quickly as possible. However, we’re giving you an option to choose a voucher for 125% of your original order or a full refund. When I got the link to download the tickets they were for a show in another city in April! Among other changes Viagogo agreed to list the identity of the seller and whether they are a professional trader (defined as performing more than 100 sales in a year), as well as seat numbers and the original face value of the ticket, and any risk that the ticketholder may be turned away due to resale restrictions. You can relist your tickets if you’re not comfortable attending the event.You can relist your ticket and give someone else the chance to go.We’ll email you about each event if it is cancelled.viagogo won’t reimburse you for travel expenses. Prices are set by sellers and may be below or above face value. But I am now pleased that this step has been taken, which will protect consumers and fans.”,Available for everyone, funded by readers,$4bn merger of ticket resale firms completed on the brink of pandemic now faces scrutiny by CMA,The Competition and Markets Authority is worried that $4bn deal will cut consumer choice,Peter Hunter and David Smith, who used software to harvest tickets, ‘motivated by greed’,CMA says site may be acting illegally by not telling buyers about resale restrictions.© 2020 Guardian News & Media Limited or its affiliated companies. Viagogo aims to provide ticket buyers with the widest possible choice of tickets to events across the world and helps ticket sellers ranging from individuals with a spare ticket to large multi-national event organizers reach a global audience.
In 2014, Viagogo partnered with SFX Entertainment and in 2015 with the Australian Soundwave festival, Ultra Beach Bali and Ultra Japan. viagogo is an online ticket exchange that allows people to buy and sell live event tickets in a safe and guaranteed way This site uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. Google suspends ticket site Viagogo from advertising .
Viagogo faces new court action from competition watchdog . Under,In 2012 Viagogo extended its European ticketing agreement with multiplatform sports media company,Viagogo was the official ticket marketplace for the various music festivals in 2013, including the.Although Viagogo offers some tickets at face value it is well known for vastly inflating prices for events.In February 2018, Viagogo was found to have been marketing tickets for a non-existent performance by a Hungarian stand-up comedian for about twice the normal price.In early 2011, Viagogo sold personalised tickets for,They were involved in a legal battle with the UK,In August 2017 the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission launched legal action against Viagogo with "allegations it made false or misleading representations, and engaged in misleading or deceptive conduct by failing to disclose substantial fees included in the price of tickets. Viagogo tends to have fairly high fees which is one of the reasons why it's not one of our recommended ticketing sites.Viagogo is a global online platform for live sport, music and entertainment tickets. Cependant le prix de la revente de billet est beaucoup plus élevé que le prix de base, cela est un petit peu dommage. viagogo is the world’s largest source of live sport, music and entertainment tickets.You can find almost 5 million tickets on our network of more than 60 global websites and people in more than 160 countries have used our service to access tickets using the language, currency and device of their choice. Your payment will be initiated 21 days after the event, if the event takes place. ",In response, Viagogo said: "We were extremely surprised to learn of Google's concerns today. 33 O 6588/17","Rammstein tour: German court forbids Viagogo resale","Viagogo Launches Legal Action Against Ed Sheeran Promoter Over Alleged Fraud","ASA refers viagogo AG to National Trading Standards for misleading advertising","FIFA World Cup 2018 tickets being listed illegitimately","Viagogo Fined One Million Euros In Italy, Investigated In Spain","Spain opens fraud probe after online resale of U2 concert tickets for more than €900","FIFA obtains preliminary injunction against viagogo","0711 decision by district court hamburg","La FRC dépose une plainte contre Viagogo à Genève","French authorities order Viagogo to end 'deception,"Civil actions against Luxstyle and Viagogo","ACCC takes ticket reseller Viagogo to court","VIAGOGO HIT BY MULTIPLE SPECULATIVE SELLING SUITS","SIAE IN LEGAL BLITZ AGAINST TOUTS, VIAGOGO","CMA to take enforcement action on secondary ticketing sites","Uefa takes action against Viagogo over illegal Euro 2016 ticket sales","Court ruling raises questions over future of ticket resale websites","Government may reconsider secondary ticketing legislation – but only if OFT investigation 'demonstrates market failure,"Viagogo snubs MPs' inquiry into online ticket reselling","MPs threatened with arrest after protest at Viagogo office in London",,Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License,Online secondary ticketing, online ticket exchange,Munich court against Viagogo: Az. Contact your travel company for more information.Due to the unprecedented number of events worldwide affected by the coronavirus pandemic; your payment will be initiated 21 days after the event, if the event takes place. You will receive confirmation by email when the payment is initiated.We appreciate that payments are taking longer than normal due to the unprecedented number of events affected worldwide by the coronavirus pandemic.