All linked through Vernon Subutex, erstwhile record shop owner brought down by the digital revolution and when his rock star benefactor dies suddenly, he's homeless and goes on a non-pilgrim's progress through his address book.Mme Despentes settles down. So I decided to join a French book group, and this first choice is a bit of an assault on the senses. Just one of the most surprising things I've read this year. He scoured the internet in search of advice for pathological procrastinators. He drew up lists of what he had to lose, what he would be risking, and what he had to gain. It's also very slangy; even with fluent French I was reduced to Google more than once!Zola meets punk in this biting satire of modern society. – ggf. I had no problems with the harsh language or the more scandalous elements; my main annoyances came from not really relating to much of what was going on or to the particular political/punk/druggie subculture (being an older bougie American, and all), and having a hard time keeping the multitudinous characters straight. He calls no-one.”,,BTBA Best Translated Book Award Nominee for Fiction Longlist (2020),Warwick Prize for Women in Translation Nominee for Longlist (2018),SHORTLISTED for THE MAN BOOKER INTERNATIONAL (2018),International Booker Prize Nominee (2018),The Warwick Prize for Women in Translation 2018 eligible books,Destroy All Monsters: The Last Rock Novel,Evie Dunmore on Writing a Suffragist Romance. As caustic and bitter as this novel often is, it isn't without moments of tenderness that broke my heart and made me cry with sympathy and understanding. And there's three of them!This is such a vicious book. January 7th 2015 Vernon has a big plus to boot, he has beautiful blue eyes. [...] Man ist überwältigt durch die Psychologie aber eben auch durch die Analyse.« -- Volker Weidermann,Entdecken Sie jetzt alle Amazon Prime-Vorteile.Prime-Mitglieder genießen Zugang zu schnellem und kostenlosem Versand, tausenden Filmen und Serienepisoden mit Prime Video und vielen weiteren exklusiven Vorteilen.Ihre zuletzt angesehenen Artikel und besonderen Empfehlungen.Wählen Sie die Kategorie aus, in der Sie suchen möchten.Preise inkl. Zugelassene Drittanbieter verwenden diese Tools auch in Verbindung mit der Anzeige von Werbung durch uns.Es wird kein Kindle Gerät benötigt. It feels like the opposite of escape for me. In fact, their prose is so powerful, and so perfect, that we forget we’re even reading. Again, very powerful writing.I think it's worth starting this view with a caveat: If you don't like drug taking in your books then this is not the book for you. It is not a happy story, but it is completely engrossing: it is raw, sometimes painful to read.Inexplicably shortlisted for the MBI, but thanks to Amazon for giving me a full refund on the grounds of 'offensiveness to literature'.Fearless and sometimes harsh, Virginie Despentes's social commentary on contemporary Paris (and France) makes for a marmite book—some will love it, some will hate it, and there isn't going to be many caught between.How this book wrestled itself onto the Man Booker International Prize short list for 2018 is something of a mystery.Perhaps the most divisively polarizing book of the year amongst my GR coterie, I didn't LOVE-love it as much as some, but I would say I definitely enjoyed it and found it quite intriguing, and fast-moving. Auflage (17. But when you get down to it, Vernon does not attract any real commitment from his friends because he has never given any true commitment i.Well, yes, Vernon. He is a likeable guy. It didn't work until all of these years later when I met Vernon Subutex. Le dernier témoin d’un monde disparu. It is the twin of Houelbeck. He did to me! Un ange déchu. To my mind this is one of the things that great fiction can do: humanize other people by leading me into their minds and lives, not letting go too quickly, showing the thought processes, neuroses, passions, eccentricities - whatever! Porn actresses, transvestites, druggies, film producers, rockers, neo-Nazis, hobos, professional online trolls.